Frequently Asked Questions

Thank you for taking on the Walk for Water challenge. We think you’re amazing for walking for water so others don’t have to. 

We’re here to help support you every step and every kilometre of the way. 

Good luck! Happy walking and fundraising!

Have a question about Walk for Water that isn't answered here? Our Events team will be happy to help. 

Email: [email protected] 
Phone: 020 7793 4594

General Questions


Technical support and tracking your distance

‘My target was to walk 4km a day for a whole month. I work full-time, but I was determined and used my lunch break to walk around my neighbourhood in Leeds. All the walkers really kept me going. WaterAid has set up a Facebook group where everyone taking part can encourage each other. It really gives you a boost when it’s been a hard day.

I have to say it’s the best thing that can happen to you, knowing that you’re going to make a difference to somebody who is not as privileged as you are. I’ll definitely be doing it again – when you’ve done it once, met all the other inspiring people doing it, and seen what you’re capable of, you’re hooked’.

Rosemary Song, WaterAid walker